Terms & Conditions

*GROUPS: Please call us if you have 6 or more people in your group before you make a booking via our website or with Hostelworld, Booking.com etc. * NO SHOW: You will be charged balance of 1 night or 50% of entire booking whichever is the greater. * CANCELLATIONS: Notice of cancellation is required no later than 10:00 am the day prior to check in date. If you do not notify in sufficient time a charge equal to the first night stay will still be payable. Should you wish to shorten a reservation after arrival the cost of the entire stay may still be payable. Charges are at the discretion of management. * $10 key deposit. Refunded when key is returned.  Lost Keys: $20.00 * BAG STORAGE is available after checkout. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACCOMMODATION: No consumption of alcohol is allowed on our premises between 11pm – 12 midday. We will not tolerate drunken behavior. Drunken guests will be removed from our Hostel

GROUP CANCELLATION TERMS: Any group that cancels within 21 days of arrival no refund.  If the group cancels before 21 days of arrival your deposit and payment will be refunded. 

Security. Dusky Lodge will implement careful procedures around its premises but will take no responsibility for your property.  All valuables such as travel documents, keys, credit cards and personal property are the sole responsibility of the individual lodgers.  Smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is NOT permitted in Dusky Lodge property, including in the bedrooms, bathrooms, nor on the balconies. Rooms may be fitted with monitored smoke detectors, which may sound an alarm if any smoke is present. Where smoking has been detected within the premises, an additional charge of $100 will be made to cover the additional cleaning of furnishings, carpets, bedcovers etc.  Where an alarm or detector is triggered an additional charge from $150 – $300 will be made.  You agree to indemnify Dusky Lodge in respect of any such amount claimed.

Injury and harm your stay is at your own risk and you agree that to the fullest extent permitted by New Zealand law Dusky Lodge may disclaim any and all liability in the event of any injury, harm, loss or death.

Physical damage and or interference to property. Management reserves the right to recover actual and reasonable costs from any guest in the event of damage to property, bedding, carpets, towels, furnishings, electronic equipment, locks etc. Furthermore, in the instance where substantive damage has occurred to property, and in circumstances where the management believe there has been a lack of reasonable and responsible care on the part of the lodger, management reserves the right to recover costs for those damages to an amount not exceeding $1000.00 per instance. You agree to indemnify Dusky Lodge in respect of any such amount claimed.

Please respect your fellow travelers – no unruly or loud behavior especially during 11pm to 10am.

Visitors: Must register at reception, are only allowed in communal areas, maximum 2 hours in hostel and must leave the hostel by 8pm.

Law and Jurisdiction you agree that these terms and conditions are governed by New Zealand law and the courts of New Zealand shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all matters relating to your stay.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions regarding our booking and cancellation policy.

What our previous guests have said